Monday 26 December 2011

And so this adventure ends...

Well, I didn't make my goal to bake everyday for 25 days.  However, I did more baking in that time period than I ever have before, and I tried a bunch of new recipes.

I also made gingerbread a different day, (last Monday, a week ago) and baked a gingerbread house on Christmas Eve. I enjoyed most of the baking that I did, and it was a good challenge.

This Christmas has been a unique one, my friend Julie is staying with us, which is nice, and my grandparents are away in Ottawa to visit my aunt. We had a lovely Christmas day dinner complete with turkey, stockings, and presents.  I was delighted to finish a sewing project that has been on the go since the summer, but I don't want to give away what it is until I'm actually wearing it. haha.  I wore it Christmas day though, so you have a pretty good guess what sort of thing it is.  Perhaps.

Now I'm working on a baby quilt with some soft flannel that has been cut into squares all set to sew for ages but I hadn't begun the sewing until yesterday.  Work starts again tomorrow, so I suppose that is a different sort of adventure.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy New Year and thanks for following my first blogged adventure!

Saturday 17 December 2011

25 Day Christmas Baking Adventure Days 15, 16, and 17

Well.  I suppose I've lost the challenge, since I missed two days of baking.  Friday after work I was really tired and decided not to try anything, and then yesterday I was busy cleaning my room etcetera on my day off, so I didn't feel like baking anything then either.

Today I got home and attempted to make caramel popcorn but I burnt the caramel, so I made buttery cinnamon popcorn instead.  haha. It was delicious and spicy!  That's all for now.

Happy Baking!

Wednesday 14 December 2011

25 Day Christmas Baking Adventure Day #14

I made the ridiculous choice to walk home in my sister's boots after working 8 hours.  Results: sore feet and blisters = not really in the mood to bake.

But I AM GOING TO WIN this challenge.  So I made pancakes and ate one, putting the rest of the battter in the fridge for tomorrow.  Breakfast made.

Happy Baking!

Tuesday 13 December 2011

25 Day Christmas Baking Adventure Day #13

Today I tried "peanut butter" cookies.  I say "peanut butter" because I actually used "Wowbutter" which is made from roasted soy beans.  My sister is allergic to peanuts, and my friend introduced me to this alternative.  It is pretty close in taste to peanut butter, but not exact.  I'm not sure how it will turn out in cookies.  The dough has a soybean aftertaste, so I'm not very optimistic about how they will taste.

The recipe I used is:
I chose that one because it had the least about of nut butter in it, and I didn't want to use up all of my $5 jar.
Ten minutes was too long, some of my cookies were quite dark, so for the second batch I'm putting them on for 8.  We'll see how that goes....

Okay. Results are in.  The cookies are alright, but I wouldn't make them again.  Passable, but not lovable.
It was worth a try!
Happy Baking!

Monday 12 December 2011

25 Days of Christmas Baking Adventure Day #12

It's the 12th day of baking, my true love said to me...what are you baking today?
3 French toast?
2 Turtle cupcakes?
and a partridge berry pudding?!

Nope, just some shortbread.  But they are good ones.  oooou oh yeah yum-meeee!

Seriously, making shortbread from Kim's family recipe.  It was a good recipe since it's only Monday and we baked a double batch on Saturday!  Even when we did have a party...and people over on Sunday. Still.  Apparently it's really good.  I liked it.  But we can always put it in the freezer!

That's all for now, Happy Baking!

Sunday 11 December 2011

25 Days of Christmas Baking Adventure #11

Two words:
Oatmeal Muffins.

That is all.
Actually, yes, I found an easy Oatmeal muffin recipe online tonight, and since I didn't particularly feel like baking after yesterday's all day event, I figured that was the quickest easiest thing.  Now, since muffins taste better fresh, I decided I will bake them in the morning.  But they are all mixed up and ready to go in the fridge.

Here's the recipe:

I'll try to remember to let you know how they turned out tomorrow!
Happy Baking!

Saturday 10 December 2011

25 Day Christmas Baking Adventure #10

Today's baking was a complete success! Not much time to type about it now, as it's 12:30, but Kim and I baked almost all day!

We made shortbread and gingerbread and lemon lime cookies!  They all went over pretty well, as everyone seemed to enjoy them, and both of us have cookies to put in the freezer, Christmas baking = COMPLETE!

The party was a success too.  I didn't do a full head count but I'd guess around 15 people came.  It was busy and full in here.  Good time.  Some dancing.  Some talking.  Lots of laughing.

Happy Baking, and goodnight!